USVI sailing

USVI sailing

Saturday, April 26, 2008


Our trip is winding down with 6 days in Paris remaining once we leave Spain. In truth, we´ve started feeling travel fatigue and hard. Intially, we were planning on seeing Granada, Cordoba and Seville in our 3 days in Andalucia. After seeing the Al Hambra on the first day, we decided to stay put in Granada for all 3 days, maybe partially because walking up to the Al Hambra from the city and seeing all of this expansive collection of gardens and buildings left us exhausted.

Turns out Granada is big on the backpackers´circuit and has a very vibrant nightlife that doesn´t quit until close to daybreak. I´m starting to feel my age, unable to carry on partying with the mostly college students I ran into here. The city itself is very charming, especially with the spectacular weather. The South of Spain in like heaven after some pretty cold weather at times in Italy and France.


We ran all over Barcelona yesterday, taking in the harbour, La Rambla, the Gothic Quarter, the Sagrada Familia, the Gaudi museum and many Gaudi buildings along the way. We had great weather and loved the open areas and many public squares in the city. It was especially nice hiking to the highest point in Parc Guell and looking down at the sunwashed city below. Tomorrow its off to Granada and the Al Hambra!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Tennis / Monaco / Lost Bag

The big thing we did in Monte Carlo was go to the Monte Carlo Masters. We watched 2nd and 3rd round matches between the likes of Davydenko, Federer, Nadal, Ancic and Gasquet. The center court stadium was not large so we weren't far from the action and our seats were at the net (We paid a hefty premium to the scalpers to get these tix at the last minute). The highlight for me was watching #1 Federer come to within 2 points of losing to ~#140 Hidalgo but then fighting from 1-5 down in the final set to win it in the tiebreak.

We walked around Monaco which has already done most of the setting up for the famous grand prix in May. We saw lots of exotic cars roaming the streets but were otherwise not too impressed by the city. We didn't have enough time to see the casinos though. We had to make it back to Nice for our flight to Barcelona (which is where we are now).

My lost bag finally made it back to me after taking a detour to 2 cities in Tunisia. My swiss army knife that I've had for ~14 years and a cologne were missing. Not a big deal but I filed a claim with the airline and filled out a report with the Nice airport police.


A great fun town although we both decided we liked Nice better. A little touristy but with nice beaches and good if overpriced shopping. I saw a 120,000 Euro watch in one store! We walked around for a few hours, stopping every now and then to sit by the shore and enjoy the sea.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Nice is nice!

Great weather if a bit windy in Nice. Unfortunately, airline lost my bag so have to make do with samer clothes tomorrow. Found out there is Tennis being played in Monte Carlo so we are looking into that and may see a match if the draws look promising. Walked about on the beach and went to a flea market outside. We also passed Nice's city hall where film crews were at work getting ready for a scene for a new French movie.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Rome en route to Nice

We are in Rome now, doing laundry near the hotel. We got a suite with a large balcony and the weather is great so we're going to chill on it for the rest of today. Tomorrow morning we catch a flight to Nice after which we're going to stay on the French Riviera between Cannes, Monte Carlo and Nice for 3 days. After that, we'll be flying to Barcelona and then Grenada where we may rent a car to see more of Andalusia.

Today, we took a bus from Venice (which we really loved) to Asisi where we had lunch and roamed the city for 2 hours and then we rode down to Rome. We saw a lot of beautiful Italian countryside along the way. Since it was Sunday, people were out flyfishing or riding around on their bicycles or motorbikes. Our hotel is great and is near an area with a lot of Arabs. We had the best meal we've had in Italy at an Arabic restaurant nearby.

Saturday, April 19, 2008


We were fortunate to have great weather in Venice both days. We had a very peaceful and romantic gondola ride, saw a demonstration of glass working by a Murano master workman and walked pretty much all over the city.


Pisa is what you'd expect. We took our "holding the leaning tower up" pictures. Very corny! Colleen climbed to the top of the tower while I chose to tour the Duomo.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Florence is a town with a great vibe! Much of this has to do with the huge student population, much of which is international. We checked out the city's Duomo, the museum that houses the statue of David (which was quite unremarkable except for David) and took in a little nightlife with a group of American students we met one night. I learned that the piano was invented in Florence and that Florence has been called home by more famous Italians than any other city. This group includes the likes of Dante Alighieri (who was the first to write a book in the new language of Italian, his "Divine Comedy"), Galileo Galilei, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Donatello, Raphael, the Medici family, Florence Nighting (pioneer of modern nursing), and the fashion designers Ferragamo, Cavalli and Gucci. The restaurants in Florence were above average. We also spent some time window shopping the jewelery and leather markets in town.


One of the larger cities in beautiful Tuscany, Sienna was first settled by the Etruscans around 900 BC. We saw many young people in Sienna as it is home to an important university, especially well known for medicine. It is also known for it's knife and armour craftsmanship, although these items are overpriced beyond belief. They sold mass produced American brands in these knife shops as well and they were overpriced by 200%. My Benchmade lockblade that I paid $45 for in Arlington was being sold for close to 100 Euros!

We were misfortunate to see some very heavy rain in Sienna which prevented us from sightseeing extensively. However, we did get to enjoy the rain somewhat while sipping cappucino under a covered outside dining area with some of our travel companions in Piazza del Campo, regarded by many to be the most beautiful public square in Europe. The Piazza is also the site of the famous Palio horse race in which all the different neighborhoods in the city compete each year.

Colloseum / Palatine Hill

What you'd expect.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Palatine Hill, Forum, Colloseum

Saw these guys today. Tomorrow morning we are off to Sienna. I will add to these blogs and upload more photos to flickr when we stay at a hotel with internet again. Right now, we are at an internet cafe.


We took a bus to Naples in the morning. On the road between Rome and Naples, we passed a 1st century Roman road, Castle Gandolfo (Pope's retreat), the second largest palace in Europe (after Versailles and in which scenes from Start Wars had been filmed) and a number of rock quarries.
When we got to Naples, it was lightly raining. We could barely see the outline of the island of Capri. We drove around the city and took a few pictures. After that we drove to the city of Pompeii, stopping at a coral and conch art factory which was ridiculously overpriced. One unspectacular looking broach we saw cost 32,000 Euros and even the tiniest and most basic piece cost about 120 Euros. They did demonstrate for us how the art was fashioned from the conch which was interesting to see.
Arriving at Pompeii, we had lunch and then walked around town. By now the clouds had passed and it was a nice sunny day. We walked to the square which has a church around it and saw a bride and groom taking pictures together. Children were playing by the fountain and locals were walking their dogs. I passed 20 parked cars in a row without seeing an automatic transmission. Italians, men and women, all drive stick. Very nice! I like!
We left the modern city of Pompeii and took a short bus ride to the ruins of Pompeii.

Pompeii has been the highlight of the trip so far. It is simply amazing how advanced the inhabitants of this ancient city were both socially, in the development of their civil institutions and technologically. Surprisingly, there is much to see in this ruined city and it is not too difficult to see what life would have been like for these Romans prior to the eruption of Vesuvius. Gymnasiums, Theatres, Bakeries (very impressive!), Bars/Pubs, Public baths and toilets as well as the Courthouse that also served as stock exchange.

The brothels were the most interesting. Pompeii had 25 brothels. The one we visited had 5 rooms with pictures of sex positions posted over the doorways. You paid for the position and "fun time"with a lady of the night ran about what today would be the price of a beer. On the streets, phallic shapes pointed in the direction of the red light district to help drunk Romans get to where they wanted to be.


Saw Vatican including St Peter's Basilica, The Vatican museum and ending with the Sistine Chapel. It took 5.5 hours to do all this. Our guide was exceptionally knowledgable and we learned a lot about the progression of Christian Italian sculpture and painting through the ages as well as the broader events that brought about these changes.

Learning the history of the Catholic church was more interesting. The church and its policies evolved through the ages in response to the challenges and changing external power dynamics of the times. We both learned so much.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Prego al Roma!!! (welcome to Rome)

After doing some damage at the snack bar in the United red carpet lounge in Dulles airport, we took our direct flight to Rome. We watched 2 movies on the plane; Sweeney Todd (w/J. Depp) and Atonement (w/ K. Knightley). We both hated Sweeney Todd and strongly discourage anyone from seeing it (even if you love Depp) and I loved Atonement although Colleen thought it was just OK.

Rome was having beautiful weather. Sunny in low to mid 60's (F). We took the Leonardo Express from the Fiumicino Airport into downtown. We are staying at the Marriott Grand Flora on Via Veneto. This area used to be the favored building spot of Roman emperors for their palaces and is very expensive today. We used points for our stay, otherwise the room we are in runs 400 Euros a night. The room is nice but has this balcony with an amazing view of Via Veneto and the Villa Borghese Gardens which we are right next to.

We took a siesta after getting into the hotel on Thursday around noon then grabbed an Italian dinner at an outside restaurant on Via Veneto. We then walked around Rome for the next 3 hours, taking pictures in front of the Trevi Fountain and going up the Spanish Steps. We continued walking to Piazza di Spagna and then walked back to our hotel along the perimeter of the Borghese Gardens.

Tomorrow morning we take in the Vatican and the Sistine Chapel.