USVI sailing

USVI sailing

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Central American women seem to be very open with their nipples. I've been seeing breasts everywhere. My neighbor showering outside her house, women on Lake Atitlan washing clothes and bathing babies while their boobs flop around, flinging from side to side as if attempting to escape in order to find a good bra for much needed support. On the bus from Rio Dulce to Santa Elena, a child was crying and his mom just flipped up her shirt and stuffed the really large brown nipple that came out into the child's mouth to shut it up. I was standing right above her and looked away. The guy in front of me, ogled her as long as her nipple was out, I don't think he even ever blinked. It was very sleazy given that the woman knew he was staring at her.

Anyway, today was back to work for me. We have now put up 7 layers of bricks on top of the foundation and the site now looks to contain a building. The Peten sun has turned me quite brown already. After 3 more days, I'll be the color of poo! I told Colleen about it and she's not happy. Hopefully though, I'll also get some much desired tone with my undesired tan. A funny thing happened at the construction site today. The Guatemalan girls made a ranked-list of American boys they liked from the construction crew. The person they picked for 1st place was an obvious total nerd. Everyone was confused so we asked them why. They replied that he looked like Harry Potter! So there you have it. You want to pull ass in Guatemala, you better look like someone who goes to Hogwarts.

I think the family I'm staying with may be reading my blog. Perhaps they read that I felt the food was above expectation and so for lunch yesterday they served up super salted broccoli with a side of radish and rice. I hated it and when they asked "Te Gusta?", I told them "Mas o menos, perro me gusta frejoles, huevos y avacado" so hopefully I'll be getting more beans, eggs and avocado in the future.

I also just realized that the reaon I'd been hearing pigs all the time was that my family has a pig sty on the premises. They live just 20-30 feet from me! In San Andres, in addition to stray looking dogs and chickens, there are also tons of pigs and horses running around. The some of the horses are extremely emaciated and it hurts to look at their exposed ribs, hip bones and shoulder baldes. The pigs seem very well fed. Sometimes, walking to or from the school construction, I run into puppies, piglets and chickens all running around together. It's an amusing scene to say the least. Tonight I'm going to a local soccer match. I met 3 American girls and their professor from MA who are teaching in the library that was finished in October. Now I need to run home and get all this cement off me so I can look decent for dinner and the soccer game tonight.

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